An Australian Cushion & Pincushions
Found a lovely australian themed tablecloth and turned it into three pincushions (number four still under construction) and a cushion cover.
As the tablecloth had a repeat pattern of four australian animals, it was perfect for a pincushion. As the photos show I have used a different coloured fabric for the top and bottom of the pincushion and included a loop, which makes it easier to pick up. These pincushions measure approximately 13cm square when sewn.
The kangaroo in the middle of the cloth is surrounded by native flowers and makes a great retro looking cushion. The back of the cushion uses plain red fabric and has an envelope opening. The cushion is lined with calico.
These pincushions do not include a needle holder as it would hide one on the animal panels. I have included some close up photos of the flowers as they really are rather beautiful.
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